January 28th, 2025 – Cleaning up the website
Today I am going through the website to clean up the different pages and making sure everything is up to date. In the mean time, please bear with me till it is complete! Thank you!
Stay Tuned!
December 28th, 2024 – The long awaited A2560M is finally in the store (RevA0A – The Early Adopter Board)
After thinking long and hard, I came the conclusion that keeping a 32bits machine in the roster because we are the only one to create Motorola Based Machine “New Retro Machine”. However, I wanted to keep my overhead to a minimum by offering a board only. This way I could spend my time where it is needed, maintaining all the different products created so far.
I have been accused in the past to be all over the place with the design of the different products and this year I’d like to rectify that by offering only 3 products (and their accessories). This way I can spend my precious time improving and bring back on the forefront their feature development. Hope you can join me in this new era!